Martin Parry, author of the report, says it's time for concerted action by world leaders. 该报道的作者马丁·帕里宣称是世界各国的首脑采取一致行动的时候了。
Disagreements among the twelve EC countries prevented them from taking any concerted action 欧共体12个成员国之间的意见不合导致他们无法采取统一的行动。
Concerted action alone leads to victory. 步调一致才能得胜利。
The evidence signals the need for concerted action to clean up the air we all breathe. 这些证据说明我们必须采取行动净化我们的空气。
Never have we seen so much concerted action by finance ministers. 我们从未见过各国财政部长如此协调一致的行动。
Division for Concerted Action and Special Projects 协同行动和特别项目司
Concerted action to address these barriers will be critical to further progress. 采取协调一致的行动来消除这些障碍将是进一步取得进展的关键。
Emerging and epidemic-prone diseases, unhealthy behaviours, poverty, and gaps in health outcomes deserve solidarity, and are best addressed by collective, concerted action. 新出现的和有流行倾向的疾病、不健康的行为、贫困以及卫生结果方面的差距都需要团结一致,并且要通过协调一致的集体行动才能得到最有效地处理。
Although more concerted action is required, its results bear out the need for the various sectors and stakeholders to work together. 尽管需要更多的协调的行动,它的结果证明了需要各部门和利益攸关方联合起来。
And with concerted action, I'm sure we will get something. 我肯定共同行动可带来成果。
This is the reality and this is one of the reasons why my government has spared no efforts this year to bring about concerted action to restore confidence and growth around the world. 这是现实,而且这也是我国政府今年不遗余力地促成一致行动,以求在世界各地恢复信心和增长的一个原因。
Now, an international group of health experts says the time has come to take concerted action against non-communicable diseases. 一个国际机构的卫生专家说,现在是采取联合行动防治这些非传染性疾病的时候了。
Successful implementation of the strategy will require concerted action by countries, effective global governance and appropriate engagement of all relevant stakeholders. 为成功实施此项战略,需要各国采取协调一致的行动,实行全球有效管理,并需要各利益攸关方适当参与。
Concerted action alone leads to victory. It is a pace race to win. 步调一致才能得胜利。距胜利只有一步之遥。
The committee decided to press for concerted action for higher wages. 委员会决定敦促其成员采取一致行动要求提高工资。
On this day, WHO issues an international call for concerted action to halt the spread of antimicrobial resistance and recommends a six-point policy package for governments. 在这一天,世卫组织会发出一项共同采取行动的国际号召,遏制抗菌素耐药性的蔓延,向政府提出六点政策一揽子建议。
She said that the richer countries of the world should take concerted action to help the poorer countries. 她说世界上富裕国家应采取一致行动帮助贫困国家。
Fan said new players are needed in global development for food security including emerging economies, philanthropists and industry to enable concerted action. 樊胜根说在全球发展促进粮食保障方面需要新的参与者包括新兴经济体、慈善组织和产业界从而促成协调的行动。
With concerted action and cooperation, small-scale hydro power really could take its rightful place as a cheap clean fuel for development. 如果有了坚实的行动与合作,小型水电确实能够作为促进发展的一种廉价而清洁的能源而获得恰当的地位。
In our closely interconnected societies, health problems increasingly have global causes and global consequences that make a clear case for concerted action, also with non-health sectors. 在我们相互密切关联的社会中,卫生问题日益具有全球性原因,产生全球性后果,这就清楚表明了协调行动,包括与非卫生部门的协调行动的重要性。
-To take concerted action against international terrorism, and to accede as soon as possible to all the relevant international conventions. -采取协调行动打击国际恐怖主义,并尽快加入所有相关的国际公约。
He woke his audience to the need for concerted action. 他使听众意识到有必要采取一致的行动。
The WFS target was still attainable if concrete and concerted action was taken, SOFI noted. 《世界粮食不安全状况》报告认为,如果采取切实和协调一致的行动,世界粮食首脑会议的目标依然可以实现。
Concerted action is equally necessary to address the problems posed by cross-border banks. 要解决跨国银行带来的问题,各方同样有必要采取一致行动。
Division for Concerted Action and Special Projects coordination of reliability efforts 协同行动和特别项目司可靠性工作项目协调
Only in this way can we win the game. Concerted action alone leads to victory. 只有这样我们才能获胜。步调一致才能得胜利。
Concerted Action for Development in Africa 协调行动促进非洲发展
We must take concerted action and cut his claws. 我们必须齐心合力,斩断他的魔爪。
I applaud the International Partnership on Avian and Pandemic Influenza, which is a hugely important mechanism for concerted action. 我赞同禽流感和大流行性流感国际伙伴关系,它是采取一致行动的一个极为重要的机制。
Closing the health gap requires concerted action across sectors by national governments, WHO, UN agencies, and civil society organisations. 弥合卫生方面的差距,需要国家政府、世卫组织、联合国各机构和民间社会组织开展协调的跨部门行动。